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[*] DISCLAIMER: Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks. All historical performance measures on this webpage are based on past performance of NIFTY Index and model portfolios of large, mid and small cap since 2002. The numbers are for the purpose of illustrating the power of Finpeg's offering over regular investment strategies. However past performance of scheme(s) do NOT indicate assurance of comparable performance in future. Hence any projection on this webpage should NOT be construed as an assurance or guarantee that the objectives of the recommendations will be achieved. Please read all scheme related documents carefully before investing. Please also be advised that Finpeg's OnePM strategy is designed to generate a steady monthly cash-flow right through the investment cycle of 6 years (or above) irrespective of the prevailing returns being generated by the investments at any given point in time. Hence, whenever the returns generated by the above investment strategy falls short of the rate of return required to provide for the monthly cash-flow (1% of the investment amount per month), the algorithm will dip into the principal amount to provide for the month cash-flows. Hence some amount of principal depletion, especially towards the initial years of the investment cycle is quite likely. Historical simulations however show that any such depletion in principal amount in the initial years is recovered as long as the investor continues to stay invested till the end of the recommended investment period (6 years or above).
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