We all have had our shares of investment myths. But the biggest one is - set up SIPs in the best mutual funds in India, hold for long term and you are assured of high double digit returns
Fact: Only a rigorous analysis can determine the best mutual funds to invest in India; not star ratings. Star-ratings are a sham. Read more
Fact: SIP is just a process to automate your investments. Nothing more. SIP doesn't help you rebalance your portfolio or exit your investments.
Fact: SIP in a top-rated mutual fund for a period as long as 5 years could have ended with negative returns for you. You didn't know this, did you?
Fact: 10-year annualized returns on Nifty index would have been just 6.1% if you invested when Nifty P/E was above 24. Entry timing matters! Read more
Set up SIPs in the best mutual funds in India, hold the investment for long term and you are assured of high returns? WRONG
Fact: Only a rigorous analysis can determine the best mutual funds to invest in India; not star ratings. Star-ratings are a sham. Read more
Fact: SIP is just a process to automate your investments. Nothing more. SIP doesn't help you rebalance your portfolio or exit your investments.
Fact: SIP in a top-rated mutual fund for a period as long as 5 years could have ended with negative returns for you. You didn't know this, did you?
Fact: 10-year annualized returns on Nifty index would have been just 6.1% if you invested when Nifty P/E was above 24. Entry timing matters! Read more
We are not just another Online Mutual Fund Investment platform. We offer more, much more. We offer intelligent wealth solutions, tailor made for your investing style and requirement.
Recurring monthly investments
Most advanced algorithm for monthly recurring investments.
An intelligent market-valuation linked deployment approach
Historically*, has outperformed regular SIPs for all time periods and investment horizons.
One-time lump sum investment
An intelligent market-valuation linked deployment approach
Tactical rebalancing to ensure superior returns
Historically*, has outperformed regular buy-and-hold lumpsum strategy for all time periods and investment horizons.
Stable Monthly Cash Flow
Stable Monthly Cash Flow
Protect and appreciate your original investment at the end
Historically*, the plan has never led to capital erosion if held for 6 years or more
By running millions of simulations, we have built algorithms that get the 4 key aspects of Mutual funds investment absolutely right - selecting the best mutual funds, deployment, rebalancing and exit
Our proprietary fund-selection framework ensures that you invest in a portfolio that maximizes returns while minimizing risk.
Using inputs like PE & PB ratios, Interest Rates, we have trained our algorithms to decide the best asset allocation at a given point of time.
Our algorithms have been trained to get the best possible entry for your investments. You buy funds at the lowest possible prices every time.
What about exit? What happens when you need the money back. Our rule-based exit strategy ensures that you sell at the highest possible prices.
It's our strong belief that investment advisory is a very personalised service requiring a one-on-one access to your advisor at all the time.
With us, you get exactly that! A single point of contact - your dedicated RM. Goodbye customer care execs!
Our cutting-edge research ensures that you get the best investing strategies and the best mutual funds to invest in India. Your money deserves the best and we endeavor to offer you the best!